Monday, January 16, 2012

Riding Circles in the Dark

If that's what it takes, that's what I'll do. That's what I did last night at least. We had a good morning at church, then lunch with Kristen & Richard at Chuy's. We were both feeling crummy still so I figured I'd rest a bit in the afternoon instead of ride. I watched the Texans lose their playoff game and then went and raked the leaves in the front yard. I went to church to drop Ben off at AWANA but they were short on adults so I stayed and helped out for a while. When I got home I felt like riding my bike so I did. Mounted up the lights and did laps on the bayous behind the house. It's a pretty good little loop, all off road except for crossing a few streets that are usually pretty quiet. I'm supposed to be doing base right now but I felt like going hard so I did, guess that's good considering the limited time I had to ride. If you can't get the volume, make up for it in intensity. I plan to keep doing "base" rides for the next 2 weeks, wrapping that up with the Miles of DisComfort marathon at Flat Rock Ranch in Comfort, TX. After that I'll start some structured interval training according to Chris Carmichael's Time Crunched Cyclist book to lead up to the Ouachita Challenge.

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