That's what my airplane is to me. It gives me extra time in a day to get places and get things done. I flew my brother and I to LA this weekend to see our grandfather. What is normally a four hour drive one-way took us less than an hour and a half in the plane. After we got to the airport, the parents picked us up and we all went to lunch. After lunch we went to see Granddaddy. He was doing well, in good spirits and pretty talkative. We had a good visit, then went down to his house to look through some of his things. He loved woodworking, and he had a lot of cool stuff around his house he had made. He wanted us to have something, so I picked out a cool biplane wall hanger.
We went back to visit with him for just a little while, but soon we had to head back. The parents drove us back to the airport and off we went into the wild blue yonder. We buzzed Granddaddy's house because I told him we would, even though I doubt he heard us, then we climbed to 6500 feet and cruised back over East TX at 150mph on a beautiful afternoon.

We went up and came back and did all that stuff in about 7.5 hours. That's less than the amount of time it would have taken to drive there, walk in the front door and say hello, and then immediately get back in the car and drive home. That's why it's a time machine.
I also got some miles in this weekend on the road bike, I did the Sugar Cycles Shop Ride Sat. morning. I wound up going on the long route all the way to Angleton with three other guys, we did 64 miles in three hours flat. It was a good fast ride and a great workout. I am feeling good about my fitness with my first MTB race three weeks away.
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